Martin Vogel

I help senior leaders deal with complex challengesI create space in which to reflect on your purpose and direction. Clients gain self-knowledge and fresh perspectives, unknowing old certainties and finding creativity.My approach draws on skills honed in journalism, coaching and strategy development and a career-long interest in the role of organisations in society. Outcomes may include more grounded resourcefulness, enhanced influence in your networks and increased propensity to take wise, ethical action.


I work mostly with executives in the media and higher education. Media clients have included the BBC, Sky, The Telegraph and The Guardian. In higher education, I work with leaders up to and including vice-chancellor. Client universities include King’s College London, University of Leeds, University of Exeter and De Montfort University.I’ve coached senior professionals in a number of London boroughs as well as a wide range of cultural institutions including the British Library, Tate and the Almeida Theatre. As a Fellow Coach with BetterUp, I’ve worked in fast-growing global companies and start-ups.I am committed to creating a respectful, supportive yet challenging working relationship. I like to bring variety to how we work. I use private spaces but we might also walk outside or meet in a gallery.


I have 17 years’ experience as a leadership consultant. Before that, I spent 20 years in broadcasting, mainly in the BBC. I began as reporter and news editor and later worked as a strategy advisor and on developing new digital services.I gained a Master’s with distinction in coaching from Oxford Brookes University, where I developed a research interest in the role of stories in leadership development.I have other coaching qualifications from i-Coach Academy and the BBC’s coaching network, an MBA from the London Business School and am a trained instructor in mindfulness meditation. I also practice as a supervisor to other coaches.


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